About the Center

After successfully running under-grad level programs for eight years, and producing graduates who have made significant contribution to the market and to the community at large; Jamhuriya University of Science & Technology (JUST) has established the Center for Graduate Studies (CGS) in a pursuit for quality post grad research-oriented programs that further contribute to the community.

CGS-JUST strives to be at the forefront of the national graduate and research advancements, founded on global standards and integration of research and knowledge and aspires to cultivate an environment which promotes both intellectual and social exchange among the students and faculty members with the ultimate goal of producing researches of the highest quality, thus significantly contributing to the global knowledge creation and dissemination.


  • To offer high-quality market-oriented, need-based graduate programs.
  • To produce graduates who are able to apply their knowledge to solve real-life problems.
  • To contribute to the development of the nation through the production of quality research and high impact publications.


To become a distinguished center in research and post graduate education that produces competent professionals.



To enlighten minds, cultivate talents and support the development of the nation through graduate education and impactful research.

Center Programs